The Natural Solution for Your Health
A time-honored medicine The origins of acupuncture in china can be traced back at least 2,500 years, making it one of the oldest and most long-standing health care system in the world. In 2010, acupuncture and moxibustion was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Today, acupuncture is an effective, natural and increasingly popular form of health care that is being used by people from a wide rang of cultural and social background. How does acupuncture work? Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine, sterile single-use needles into the skin to trigger specific acupuncture points on the body. The points selected by the practitioner lie on a network of channels along the surface of the body, which connect all parts of the body including the internal organs. Stimulation of the points will promote the circulation of Chi /Qi (energy or life force) and blood to facilitate change at a deeper level and effect the body’s natural healing ability. A combination of points is selected based on the individual diagnosis to treat patterns of disharmony (or symptom clusters) . Acupuncture is aimed at restoring balance and treating disease by stimulating the body's natural healing ability. When the body is sick or injured this is seen as resulting in an imbalance in the Chi/Qi flow, which can be a blockage or insufficiency in one or more of the channels or organs. Acupuncture points are seen as a gateway to the flow of Chi/Qi. Acupuncture can be used to nourish and strengthen the system and clear blockages allowing a smooth flow of the Chi. This allows the body to reduce or eradicate symptoms, alleviate pain and stress within the body, rebalance the energy and function at optimal health. An acupuncturist treats both the symptoms and the underlying cause of your condition, rather than treating disease, It is not effective to always use the same set of points to treat different people with same disease. This is because each person is unique and each body responds to illness in a different way. A successful acupuncture treatment is personalized to a patient’s changing symptoms at different stages of the illness. It is very important for an acupuncturist to practice acupuncture within the framework of a holistic Chinese medicine treatment. Other Acupuncture techniques used: Electro-acupuncture – small clips with wires are attached to acupuncture needles and an electrical impulse is send via a device to the needles. Patients feel what has been described as a mild thumping pulse or a feeling of a wave. Auricular acupuncture – specific areas in the ear are either needled or tiny pellets on a small piece of tape are placed in the ear. At Chi Balance Acupuncture clinic, acupuncture treatments are not only based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) point selection principles and formulas, but also complimented and derived from many years of clinic experience and literature research. For complicated cases, our acupuncturist and Chinese medicine practitioner may collaborate to discuss an optimal treatment regimen. According to the patient’s condition, we also prescribe Chinese herbal medicine to compliment acupuncture treatment to restore holistic balance in the body, improve overall circulation, and enhance treatment outcome. |