Acupuncture Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into very specific points on the body. Acupuncture is part of a whole medical system of Chinese Medicine originating in China thousands of years ago.
Chinese herbal medicine is based on the concepts of Yin and Yang, which aims to understand and treat the many ways in which the fundamental balance and harmony between the two may be undermined.
Remedial Massage / Tuina Archaeological studies have dated the use of Tuina back to around 3,000 BC. However, though its roots in china are ancient, it is still relatively new to west. Read more ......
Pain Management
This may relieve pain by releasing endorphins, the body's natural pain-killing chemicals, and by affecting the part of the brain that governs serotonin, a brain chemical involved with mood.
Chinese medicine has been used traditionally in China to help couples prepare and strengthen their bodies for conception. Chinese medicine will not "fix the infertility', but will approach the underlying energetic imbalance.
Women's Health Through the use of acupuncture, lifestyle advice, and herbal formulas, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM ) may assist every stage of a woman’s life through reproductive years and beyond.