Women's Health The practice of Acupuncture in Women’s Health has gained greater prominence in the last few decades. Women of all ages can benefit from acupuncture. A woman’s body is in a constant state of change – consider puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. These changes influence not only her menstrual cycle, but her general health as well and may herald changes in nutritional needs, physical ability and susceptibility to illness or disease.
Acupuncture can help to restore balance and overall vitality to women suffering from disorders along any stage of their life cycle. In addition to symptomatic relief from the presenting complaint, Acupuncture also has a number of well-documented physiological effects . Is Acupuncture For You? Each Acupuncture treatment is individualized to the patient. While it may take some time to re-balance a woman’s system, positive effects can be noticed almost immediately. Prolonged treatment is usually not needed, though sometimes top up sessions are recommended at the patients discretion. “It is often the outcome, that when this delicate balance is restored, women are better equipped to live happier and more empowered lives”. At Chi Balance Acupuncture Clinic, our Practitioners are experienced in helping women to improve and manage their health through every stage of the life cycle. We use Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment such as : Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Massage, as well as Moxibustion to help women regain the optimal health.